"It is clear that Motivational Maps will be a valuable tool in achieving our objectives as a Strategic Change team. Having our own Accredited Motivational Map Practitioners within the business means that we are able to make Motivational Maps an integral part of our strategic change process."
Rachel Credidio
Group Strategic Change Director
Company Size
Aster Group is an ethical housing developer and landlord to benefit society. It builds homes for openmarket sale and shared ownership, and reinvests its profits to develop homes for rent. It owns and maintains over 28,000 homes and provides housing,care and support services to 75,000 customers.
Business Goal
To accredit four of its team in the ‘Motivational Map’ tool with a view to using it as part of its strategic change programme within the business.
‘Motivational Maps’ identify core motivators within individuals and teams and are a significant aid in helping organisations with career management, recruitment and selection, talent and performance management.
The Accreditation Workshop saw Aster employees: Gain an in-depth understanding of motivation, Identify key drivers and demotivators, learn how to read and provide feedback on individual and team maps, how the data can be used to understand what’s driving behaviour and choices, how to work with and raise motivation, how to thus help improve performance using the Map data.
Aster now have four in-house Motivational Map Practitioners able to instigate Individual & Team Maps as well as feedback to individuals & managers on the key motivational drivers of their colleagues & themselves.
Aster Group
Accrediting Aster Group's team members as part of their strategic change programme.